#suzaku nara
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nixnephili · 2 years ago
BSD Personified Abilities A.U. -RASHOMON - Humanoid Form
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Rashomon- Humanoid Appearance.
Symbolism-based on the Original Story:
Rajōmon, also called Rashōmon, was the gate built at the southern end of the monumental Suzaku Avenue in the ancient Japanese cities of Heijō-kyō (Nara) and Heian-kyō (Kyoto), following the Chinese grid-patterned city layout.
-In Akutagawa Ryunosuke's original short story, "Rashomon", we follow a former servant taking shelter from the rain under the Rashomon. The story takes place in Kyoto, amid collapse. Famine, drought, and sickness consumed society, and resources were running low, the people even destroyed statues of worship to be able to sell the pieces for firewood by the side of the road.
The unnamed protagonist stands under the shelter of the abandoned temple's gate. Inside, corpses claimed by illness reside piled up in the corners. Until he catches a glimpse of light upstairs in one of the desolate rooms. Following the anomaly, he discovers an old woman, who was pulling out the hair from one of the deceased women. After moral contemplation about principles, the man confronts her, bearing his katana at her. Terrified the woman shrieked and hurried to explain herself at the man's demand, rambling about how she only wished to make herself a wig- and that the dead don't mind- as she was only looking out for herself... At this, the protagonist has a revelation- that in a world as ruined as this, the right thing to do, is to do what's best for oneself. Thus killing the old woman, and taking her belongings he ventures away, ready to live the way this new world intends.
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narasnooze · 1 year ago
@shikaku-the-nara Continued from...
Shikamaru squeezed his father's hand and sniffled slightly. "I don't care how tough it'd be. All I care about is that you're ok, and... here."
The fact hung heavy on them both that Yoshino would never be around them again. She would never make sure they were both fed and happy, never nag how lazy they were. Never see her smile again... Shikamaru felt a painful pressure in his chest again and the tears fell down his cheeks. But he nodded, trying to focus on Shikaku's words and wishes.
"Yeah.. yeah, a bit... They're doing fine. Maen and Suzaku has been tending to them most. I've been there, too... but not as much. I've been.. here with you. Uh... We've gotten eleven new fawn." He smiled, tilting his head to the side. "They're already making a circus."
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olympusgloryrpg · 1 year ago
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A PARTIR DEL 5-1-2023.
Antigua Kioto, región oeste, región de Nishikyo.
Los cerezos dejan caer sus hojas semi marchitas al suelo tiñendo el territorio de rojo. El territorio está en peligro. El emperador Hideki, quinto en la dinastía, hijo del emperador más sabio se enfrenta a una tensión bélica con los territorios del norte. Cuenta con gran desventaja en terreno y recursos, el pueblo está asustado pero confía plenamente en él. Sin embargo, el joven ha invocado gran parte de su asamblea para poder hacer frente a la situación. Mientras el ambiente en la nación va empeorando, una esperanza divina se enfoca en el apoyo de Byakko, el ser divino que ampara la ciudad, basado en sus creencias taotistas ansiaban poder pedir clemencia a este Dios. El tigre blanco, portador de la luz, era aquel rayo que el emperador ansiaba recibir para poder gobernar con la paz con la que antiguamente el Dios había decidido bendecir sus tierras. Desde Nara, la región vecina llamada Kansai, con la cual están en guerra, protestan por una tierra que siempre les perteneció. El emperador Kameyama del Sur, un gran estratega, se beneficia de su coraje y ventaja para hacer frente al joven emperador del Oeste. Ante los rumores que el emperador enemigo estaba recurriendo a la búsqueda de entidades místicas y dioses, el emperador también convoca sus mejor consejo de sacerdotes para invocar aquel ave que resurge de sus cenizas: Suzaku.
El pájaro de fuego, era el Fénix que necesitaba la región para expandir y resurgir de sus cenizas para volver a conquistar desde las alturas todo lo que antes formaba un gran imperio lleno de poder que les fue expropiado. Aquel 7 de Septiembre, todo cambiaría.
Pues, cuando los ambarinos ojos del felino y del fénix despertaron ante las súplicas de sus respectivos pueblos, uno desolado y temeroso, otro ansioso de expandirse y prosperar sobre la ruina de una guerra perdida en otro siglo… unos pocos elegidos tendrían que luchar la más importante de las batallas del siglo. Siete elegidos necesitaban encontrar cada bando para poder invocar su Dios, siete elegidos que ayudaran a su sacerdotisa a cubrir el imperio de gloria. Los emperadores solo necesitaban una cosa: encontrarlos. Pero eso era algo que solo el destino y el tiempo podría ayudarle a conseguir.
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jjgrace42 · 3 months ago
Symphonies: Chapter 32
Read on AO3
First Chapter — Previous Chapter — Next Chapter
Eager Does It
"Don't forget to—"
"Listen to Minato-sensei. I know." Obito huffed, securing his kunai pouch. "You don't have to tell me every time."
"It's good advice every time," Kyoko commented, securing her own gear in place. "Minato-san knows what he's doing."
"Well, yeah. Sensei's great! But what if I think of a great strategy and don't have enough time to share it with him? I could just—"
"Absolutely not," Kagami interrupted, holding out his goggles. "If you don't have time to share it with your mission lead, then you don't do it. Period."
Obito pouted, taking his goggles. "Yeah, alright. But what if—"
"Pretty sure the answer is still no," Shisui called around a mouthful of hotcakes. He pointed his chopsticks at Obito. "But do it anyway if it would look cool."
"Absolutely not," Kagami said again, stressing the second word. "And don't talk with your mouth full. Obito—"
"Yeah, I've got it. Listen to Sensei. Be careful. Stay aware."
"And?" Kagami prompted.
"And come home safe."
"Good. And Kyoko, give this to your sensei when you see her." He held out an envelope.
She took it, frowning. "Okay. What is it?"
"Just a request to start your training a little later on the eighteenth. When I spoke to Minato-san, he said that Obito should be back in time, too."
"Eighteenth?" she asked, still frowning. She glanced from Kagami to Obito and back, but neither of them seemed confused. "What's important about the eighteenth?"
Kagami winced, and Obito ducked his head. "We're going to visit your Kaasan's grave," the former said softly. "It's been a year."
A year? Kyoko looked down at the letter. At least that explained why the eighteenth was important. She'd really come back that close to when they'd lost Akiko? She tried to recall what that first year without a mother had originally been like and . . . came up with nothing. That had been so long ago. "Oh," she murmured. She cleared her throat and tucked the letter away in her kunai pouch. "I should go. I don't want to be late."
— — — — —
The first thing Kyoko did when Raidou answered the door was look his face over critically, ignoring the way he nervously shifted from one foot to the other. "It's going to scar badly," she finally concluded, chest constricting.
He shrugged. "Asuma said it'll look badass," he said half-heartedly. "And Tsunade-sama said it would've been a lot worse without your help."
It already looked worse than the burn scar she was more familiar with seeing on his face, and she wasn't sure she liked what that implied about her future success. She looked down at what she was holding, forcing herself to refocus. She cleared her throat. "I heard that Suzaku is back in the Village on medical leave. I made him some chakra balm, and I thought you might want to come with me to thank him."
Raidou blinked. "Yeah. I, uh. I don't have a . . . thank you gift for him, though."
"The balm can be from both of us."
"But you made it. He'll know I didn't help."
"I think that part doesn't matter as much as the intent."
He nodded, turning away and bending down to get his shoes. "Yeah, alright. Thanks for thinking of me."
"Of course."
It was a short walk to the Nara Lands, though it would have been shorter if Kyoko would match Raidou's stride. When they made it, Raidou hesitated at the border. "Do you . . . know which house is his?"
"No. But I know this is the main house," she said, starting forward for the first building. "It's the best place to start."
Raidou followed close behind, glancing nervously around as she led him up on the engawa. When she knocked, he shuffled back a bit. She glanced at him.
The door slid open, and Kyoko found herself staring up at a woman she'd met a handful of times before. Yoshino looked softer here. Well, except for the sling trapping her arm against her chest and the bandage peeking out from under her collar. She arched an eyebrow. "You lost or something?"
"A little," Kyoko admitted. "We're looking for Suzaku-san." She lifted the cloth-wrapped gift. "He saved us on a recent mission, and we wanted to thank him."
"Huh." Yoshino squinted at her and then extended her good hand. "He's with Shikaku in a meeting, but he'll be here later for dinner. I can give it to him then."
Kyoko handed the gift over and bowed her head. "Arigato, Yoshino-san."
The woman's eyes narrowed. "Huh. Right." She stepped back and slid the door closed.
— — — — —
"I'm home," Kyoko called as she slid the door open. She froze.
Kagami looked up. "Kyoko!" He smiled. "You're early! I wasn't expecting you until late again."
"I . . . did morning rounds with Shisho," she rasped. "And after my session with Jiraiya-sama, Raidou and I went to the Nara to— What happened?" she finally asked, voice hollow. "What—"
"Just a training accident," Kagami interrupted, his voice soothing. He returning to bandaging Shisui's hand. "He slipped with a shuriken."
She dropped her things and abandoned the open door, moving forward. "Let me," she murmured.
Shisui ducked his head, keeping his gaze down. "Tousan said he'll fix it up."
"I can do it faster," she promised. She glanced at Kagami and straightened at the assessing gaze he'd trained on her. "Can I?"
He nodded and moved back, lowering Shisui's hand to his knee. "Go ahead."
Kyoko took Shisui's hand in hers and started unwinding the bandage. "I'll be quick," she promised. "Want to tell me what happened?"
"Messed up with the shuriken," he mumbled.
"You were training?" she asked, setting the bandage aside and reaching for a clean cloth from the med kit. As she wiped the balm away that Kagami had applied, she glanced up and caught his gaze. "How long have you been training?"
"Three weeks with Tousan. A couple months with Oba."
How had she not noticed? She refocused on his hand and started stitching his palm back together with iryo-chakra. She'd had to fix Shisui up before after missions and the occasional spar with Itachi that got a little too rough, but the idea that he had cut himself with a shuriken all on his own? It was an odd thought. And unfamiliar one. She couldn't remember any other time that Shisui had ever gotten hurt in such a beginner way. She cleared her throat as she finished her work and then smooth her thumb across his unmarked palm. "I'll make you some chakra balm. If you get hurt again, it'll help if I'm there there to fix you up, okay?"
— — — — —
The handheld mirror gave her better privacy in her room than working in the bathroom had. Really, what that privacy translated to was more time spent staring at her mangekyo in frustration as she tried, and failed, to figure out what it was for. What it could do. What the point of it was beyond the black trying to swallow up the red in a reminder of how she'd felt with Itachi's blade against her throat.
Her sharingan didn't give her an answer.
— — — — —
First Chapter — Previous Chapter — Next Chapter
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narasnooze · 1 year ago
The stag had grown very attached to the Uchiha, actually. As soon as Rikumaru sensed the human in the surrounding, he'd come and truly enjoyed the attention and snacks he received. Yes, the berries as well, even though he could easily just eat them on the bushes as they were. What also made the deer feel so at ease was that Shikamaru had started to feel better. The human was happier, and being sensitive like animals are, Rikumaru could definitely sense a change in his two-legged fawn.
Rikumaru snorted, though, when Obito suddenly dropped the berries he was just about to eat but also looked over toward the Nara who'd shouted in pain. The deer did not smell any blood, so Shikamaru would live, yes? He didn't seem to be in much distress and so Rikumaru began eating again.
Shikamaru, however, sat as if frozen in spot as he stared into Obito's eye. Where the older man was touching him, burned even more than the hot water strangely enough, but not really in a painful way. It still stung from the tea, yes, but Obito's hands soothed it, even though they were warm, as well. His eyes flickered once down to Uchiha's lips and then back to his eye again.
"..... uhm, y-... yeah. I'll, uh..." Awkwardly, Shikamaru moved to get up on his feet and forced himself to avoid Obito's gaze again. If he got caught in that eye one more time...
"I'm gonna go change," he said with a small nod, before turning towards his house but only took about five steps. He stopped, thought for a few seconds, then said; "Before you go, you could stop by real quick... Maen, who tend to the deer most of the time, made some food for you, as a thank you for helping us."
Nara Maen being... one of the very few clan members that found it nice that the Uchiha was there. Nara Suzaku was one of the majority that thought Shikamaru was mad for letting him become so friendly with them. But Obito treated them well. And the herd liked him, too. The man had charmed the deer after the first time he'd come around... How was that Shikamaru's fault? It had been a mission, blame Naruto.
"...don't feel forced, it's just a token of his gratitude."
Obito didn't need to look directly at Shikmaru to know his body was being raked and every movement was being taken into account. It honestly felt like he was under the gaze of another Sharingan user. Trying to so badly predict their opponents' next move before striking. So intense that it kind of started to rile up his ego while under the beaming sun. This heat just might force him to take the shirt back off if he ends up sweating through it.
Kneeling down to resume picking berries from the bushes, unnecessarily of course, for his dear ( deer ) bestie Rikumaru, there was a sudden yowl in pain that grabbed back at his attention.
❝ Hm? ❞ As he perked up at the noise, he turned towards it to see what had happened. Dropping the few berries from his hand, Obito quickly rushed to the Shadow-nin's aid. ❝ Shikamaru! Are you ok? ❞ What a mess. There was tea spilled everywhere and the other was practically soaked in it.
Moving without thinking much of what exactly he was doing, Obito took up a cloth from the tea tray and began wiping up the liquid as best as possible. ❝ I'll clean this up. ❞ Starting from the left side of their hip. Then his free hand replaced the other. ❝ You should go change and get something for the. . . ❞ Then he looked up; again, trapped. ❝ — burn. . . ❞
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ace-shikamaru-quotes · 3 years ago
do you have any favorite side characters? (like genma, raido, baki, izumo, anko [kind of], etc.)
to nobody's surprise i like the background nara
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zegalba · 3 years ago
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Yoshitomo Nara - 「萌の朱雀」
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lonestarfangirl2014 · 8 years ago
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Non main characters/ Members of various Konohagakure clans Part 2. The Nara Clan Daen Nara (奈良ダエン, Nara Daen) is a jōnin from Konohagakure's Nara clan. Personality Daen is described as usually being a gentle and obedient individual, however, his fierce determination and bravery shone through on the battlefield against the Ten-Tails, only thinking of protecting the life of his infant child. Appearance Daen has spiky black hair that he keeps held in a classic Nara ponytail and black eyes. He wears the standard attire of a Konoha shinobi inclusive of a flak jacket. Abilities Like all members of the Nara clan, he is able to manipulate shadows. He demonstrated aptitude with the Shadow Imitation Technique, being able to restrain the Ten-Tails for a short amount of time with the help of other Nara clan members. Daen (楕円) means "ellipse". Ensui Nara (奈良エンスイ, Nara Ensui) is a shinobi from Konohagakure's Nara clan. Appearance Ensui has black hair which he ties into a short, high-top ponytail. He also has a goatee and dark-green markings underneath his eyes — which gives him a somewhat lazy, or tired appearance. Attire-wise, he wears the standard outfit of the Konoha shinobi consisting of the standard flak jacket and uniform. He, however, doesn't wear the Alliance's forehead protector. Abilities Ensui seems to be very skilled with his clan's secret techniques being able to use the Shadow Imitation Technique to different degrees where he could freely allow a person to move while under the effects of the technique without having to move himself. He is also capable of using the Shadow Sewing Technique. Ensui's name, when written with different kanji, has different meanings: when written as 円錐, it means "cone". when written as 塩水, it means "salt water". Kasuga Nara (奈良カスガ, Nara Kasuga) is a chūnin of Konohagakure's Nara clan. Appearance Kasuga has dark eyes and long black hair which frames his face in three parts with the rest tied up in a messy ponytail. He wears the standard attire of the Konohagakure shinobi complete with forehead protector and flak jacket. Abilities Like all members of the Nara clan, he is able to manipulate shadows. He demonstrated aptitude with the Shadow Imitation Technique, being able to restrain Ten-Tails for a short amount of time with the help of other Nara clan members. Trivia Kasuga's name comes from Kasuga Shrine. Maen Nara (奈良マエン, Nara Maen) is a tokubetsu jōnin of Konohagakure's Nara clan. Personality While his expressions are usually hardened ones, in actuality, Maen is a gentle-hearted individual that enjoys watching the deer that his clan tend to in the Nara Clan Forest.[1] Appearance Maen has long black hair that he keeps held in a ponytail and black eyes. He wears a black Konoha forehead protector and the standard Konohagakure attire inclusive of a flak jacket. Abilities Maen has a long history of military service, and like all members of the Nara clan, he is able to manipulate shadows. He demonstrated aptitude with the Shadow Imitation Technique, being able to restrain Ten-Tails for a short amount of time with the help of other Nara clan members. Suzaku Nara (奈良スザク, Nara Suzaku) is a shinobi from Konohagakure's Nara clan. Appearance He wears his hair in a high ponytail with the ends styled into what resembles horns. He also has a small goatee, faint lines around his mouth and wears the standard uniform of a Konoha shinobi. Abilities Like all members of the Nara clan, he is able to manipulate shadows. He demonstrated aptitude with the Shadow Imitation Technique, able to bind Naruto before he was able to get any further after escaping the Falls of Truth. Trivia "Suzaku" (朱雀) means "Vermillion Bird", one of the four mythological creatures in the Chinese constellations.
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a-safe-and-quiet-place · 3 years ago
Suzaku (The Vermilion Bird)
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Suzaku (The Vermilion Bird)
Suzaku is a large, scarlet, phoenix-like bird. His home is in the southern sky. He spans seven of the twenty-eight Chinese constellations, taking up one quarter of the entire sky. The constellation which makes up the left wing of the bird is located in Gemini. The constellation which makes up his head feathers or comb is located in Cancer. The constellations which make up his head, beak, and body are located in Hydra. The constellation which makes up his right wing is located in Hydra and Crater. The constellation which makes up his tail feathers is located in Corvus.
Suzaku is one of the shijin, or Four Symbols, which are important mythological figures in Taoism. Suzaku is the guardian of the south. He is associated with the Chinese element of fire, the season of summer, the planet Mars, and the color red. He represents the virtue of propriety. He controls heat and flame. The ancient capitals of Fujiwara-kyō, Heijo-kyō and Heian-kyō were each guarded on the south by a large gate called Suzakumon (Suzaku Gate). Beyond Suzakumon was a wide avenue called Suzaku Boulevard, which served as the main north-south road. In Kyoto, this road ran from the Imperial Palace to the gate at the southern end of the city, Rashōmon. Today, though the gates are long gone, Suzaku Boulevard (now called Senbon Avenue) remains an important road in the city.
Suzaku and the other shijin were brought to Japan from China in the 7th century CE. They are strongly associated with Taoism, feng shui, astrology, the five element theory, and other forms of Chinese mysticism. Japan’s ancient capitals were built in correspondence to these beliefs, with each of the quadrants of the city dedicated to one of the Four Symbols. Excavations of ancient burial mounds in Nara has revealed paintings of Suzaku and the other shijin on the tomb walls.
In later centuries, belief in astrology waned, and worship of the Four Symbols was gradually supplanted by worship of the Four Heavenly Kings of Buddhism. Their use as symbols, however, continued.
Because they look very similar, Suzaku is often confused with hōō, the Chinese phoenix. The attributes and symbolism of one are sometimes mixed or swapped with each other. Though it has been suggested that they may share a common origin—perhaps going back to the mythical bird Garuda in Indian mythology—there is no strong evidence linking these creatures to each other.
Original art / Original image before it became trippy
AtmaFlare At DeviantArt
PS: Btw it really sucks that tumblr doesn’t let people upload gifs with less than 10mb, makes us optimize our gifs and even then it optimizes them even further in theyr servers to 3mb i believe
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xuer · 3 years ago
“you keep pulling stunts like that, and the time will come when one or more of us doesn't make it back.”
— taken, 2017
kakashi hasn’t done a group s-rank mission in a while.
first of all, he doesn’t like group missions in general. he’s had a genin team to take care of, and after the chuunin exams and the whole debacle with sasuke, he’s been limiting himself to solo a-rank and lower. lately, however, he’s been itching for something. the adrenaline that he gets in a fight against someone strong, the thrill that he gets going up against someone more skilled than him and somehow leaving the battlefield alive, pushing his mind and his body and his sharingan to the limit. he doesn’t admit it to anyone that he’s an adrenaline junkie, because if tsunade knew of the kinds of fights he sought out, he doesn’t think he’d be on active mission duty any time soon.
that being said, the only s-ranks lately have all been group missions, and kakashi has been getting impatient. he usually only goes looking for those kinds of fights on solo missions (what can he say, he’s a lone wolf), because he knows some people value their lives to a certain extent above what he does, but it’s getting restless. so it’s been a while since he’s taken one.
there’s also some pretty obvious reasons this was his first group s-rank in a while. it might have been how when he spotted the first sign of missing nin, he didn’t alert his team immediately. it might have been how when six of them dropped down from the trees, he lunged into the fight without a second glance. it might have been how, despite knowing his team of four was immensely outclassed and losing ground fast, he didn’t think of pulling back to konoha until yamanaka santa cried out in pain after taking a fuma shuriken to the thigh and nara suzaku hit a tree a hundred yards back after a nasty blow with the blunt end of one of their enemy’s swords.
or it might have been how kakashi didn’t even realize tenzou had called already for a retreat before he jumped into the battle and the rest of his team had only joined to watch his back. or it might have been how after they finally reached the village and dropped yamanaka and nara off at the hospital, one with a bandaged leg and the other unconscious with two broken ribs, tenzou pulled him aside to rip into him. or it might have been how he had been in a haze of post-rush drop since he prematurely slipped out of that earlier fight, and the only thing to yank him out of his adrenal fatigue was tenzou’s last words before he leveled a scathing glare at him and turning away.
“you keep pulling stunts like that, and the time will come when one or more of us doesn't make it back.”
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carsinoska · 3 years ago
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Album: Fukkyuu Sequence Artist: Otsuki-sama Koukyoukyoku
Kieyuku Koe to Zanmei no Chikai
tetsusabi no nioi   mugotarashii nakigara zouo no hate ni yakitsuku kioku de saigo ni kazoku ga nokoshita kotoba de sae mo soukyuu no hate ni kasumi kieuseta
moeru toushin   mitomeshi kami ga sazukeru kataki utsu chikara sore ga shimei da   sorekoso zen da subete no aku wo konzetsuse yo--!
nakisakebou to mo   yurushi wo koou to mo igyou ni kakeru jihi nado nai urami wo chikara ni kaero chiriyuku kurenai   yorokobi wo kanjite senketsu nomasete yaiba migake sono koe ga kiesaru made
yamiyo ni ikidzuku   unari wo ageru kemono wo subete kataki to ikyoku suru you youma wo utsu tabi   aratana chi ga nagareru fukkyuu no rensa   tomaru koto wa nai
mure nashi osou   igyou no kazu wa hi wo ou do ni fueteyuki yaiba wo motanu   kayowaki mono wo miseshime no you ayamete yuku
koko ni heion wo!   katsute no ansoku wo! ikkou ni osamaranu boudou ni tsunoru tami kara no fuman kyoufu to hitan to zouo no hokosaki wa yuuku ga yue ni umu kyokkai ka teikoku wo na noru mono e
sei wo idomeru tabi   yomigaeru osanaki zanzou kataki to toraeshi sariyuku kage sukumi ugokanu ashi   kyoufu ni ononoku kono mi ga nikukute   tada urameshikatta
nakisakebou to mo   kami ni sugarou to mo sukuenu itoshi mukuro no kage nouri ni yakitsuita mama chiriyuku kurenai   yorokobi wo kanjite senketsu nomasete yaiba migake sono koe ga kiesaru made
fukkyuu no sono saki made—
Tairitsu ni Kakeru Onmyou no Kotowari
odoshi de wa nai   yaiba ni te wo kake nao kao iro hitotsu kaezu kare wa misueru odayaka na kao   nani mo yomitore nakute iradachi dake ga tada tsumotteiku
heion no tame ni tatakai nuke sono ibunshi wo haijose yo atama no naka ni hibiku keiteki
suzaku no kago wo ukeshi shinsei naru basho yo kono chi ni igyou wo tachi irasete wa naranu mashite ya han'you nado imubeki sonzai da surudoi zankou de sono ishi wo tsuranuite
kono yo wa subete in to you de naritatsu dochira ga aku nadonai   sore ga kenkai hito ga you nara in wa youma ga seou kotowari, kowashi nani wo eru no ka
sono koe ni mimi wo katamukeru na shosen igyou no tawagoto da watashi wa nanimo machigatte wa inai
tami kara todoku fuman   ikari no hokosaki ga kono chi no kintou kuzure hajimeta shouko izure wa hito doushi no hageshii arasoi e teikoku no subete makikonde yuku deshou
youma wo kyoyou suru na   enshuu kizamigome sono koe ni madoi   onore wo miushiunau na
kyouzon sore wa kyogen   futatsu wa aiirenu igyou wo horoboshi   an'nonte ni suru no da jijou mo shiranu yatsu no kotoba wa keshisarou watashi ga, warera koso, aku wo utsu homura to naru--!
Kurenai to Shiro no Kousaku
ano hi no chuukoku nandomo nandomo watashi no atama wo kakete wa kieta osanaki kioku ni toraware tsudzukete ima mo uchi katenu yowasa wo kakushita
kyou de saigo ni shiyou modorenu kako ni sugaritsuku no wa ikudo chikatta darou ka soredemo ashi wa bohyou e to mukau
seigi wo waigyoku suru watashi wa koko de te wo awaseru shikaku nado nai kazoku no kataki sore wo riyuu ni ayamatta shikou wo seitou kashiteru
itami wo tomonai kuzurete kuzurete kokoro wa zouo ni yakitsuku sareta imubeki sonzai kowashite ayamete daremo nozomanai rensa wo kizuita
yaiba ni te wo kake nagara shizuka ni maai wo tori atozusaru hitori de wa bu ga warui ga kazoku e hitotsu hanamuke to naru ka
haigo ni kikoeshi youma no koe koko de yatto jishin no senkyou wo nomu shihou wo kakomu igyou nasu kage attouteki na kazu   nigeba nado wa nai
kokoro wo midasu na   osore wo sutesare amata no junan wo norikoetarou? keredomo kesenai shichi e no senritsu imada nuguezu ni mata ashi wa sukumu
osoi kuru kiba wo yoke   shounen wa karui mineuchi de senkyou kizuku azayakana sono sugata ni okureru na shikou megurase yami to taijise yo--
ichiru no nozomi ni kakeru ka kuchiru ka eranda kotae wa tagai ni onaji shiranu ma kare e to kono se wo azukete hachou no kyoumei   sono shuusou ni
chiisaki igyou ga furueru teashi de chi ni fusu sono kage kabau you tatsu kioku no katasumi   jishin to kasanaru nouri yomigaeru osanaki ano zanzou
Not Empty
enkon to iu na no katachi no nai noroi ni shibarareta mama de tada hitori kokou ni yaiba furui sashinoberareta te   harainoketa
tsuminaki igyou wo ayameru tabi nanika ga ushinawareteiku you de ayamachi, orokasa, mitometa nara ikitekita akashi ga kiesaru ki ga shiteta
"Not Empty...?"
torawareta kusari wo ima tachikirou susanda chi ni hikari wo tomosu you ni hajimari no chiisana ippo fumidaseba osanaki muryoku na watashi mo yuruseru ka
taisetsu na mono nado umidase domo ushinau dake to kimetsukete hitori de ikiru to tsuyogaru dake mamorinuku kakugo sura nai mama
kataki wo motomete kurui   shidai ni kazashita taigi miushinatteta orokana shikou to tozasu kokoro hakugin no hikari ga yawaraka ni tokashita
"Not Empty"
me wo samashi midase kono kago no imi kore wa dareka gaisuru tame no mono ka? himeteita uchinaru sono yowasa suru ima kara tsuyosa ni nurikaete ikunda
watashi kawaru kara kondo koso taisetsu na hito wo mamorinuite miseru kara--
kako ni wakare wo tsuge   ima yoake e to te wo hikarete hikari ni me wo hosometa mabushikute mabayui sono aishita basho afureru mirai e   saa ayumidasou ka
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narasnooze · 2 years ago
// I don’t want to throw Suzaku under a bus, or anything.  I like him... I dig his style, but this has to be done. I’m sorry, my dude.
   You see, I was given an idea by this magpie; tap, tap, tapping on my window––
   jk, But––   an AU where Shikamaru grows up with Yoshino and Suzaku as parents. Suzaku is an ass and isn’t very loving, doesn’t care much about Shikamaru, as a father should... All he expects from him is “all A’s” and brilliance in their clan’s jutsu. Suzaku is incredibly hard and tough on him. Just very cold and there is some domestic violence and psychological abuse happening. 
And all this pressure results in Shikamaru not getting any good grades at all and doesn’t manage to execute their shadow jutsu that well. Which in turn cause more harsh words and treatment from Suzaku. This behavior of Suzaku isn’t known to any others other than Shikamaru and Yoshino. Suzaku is very charming and friendly to everyone else but his own family. Especially to his ‘good for nothing’ son. It results in Shikamaru finding it difficult to trust others.
There is one man, however, who Shikamaru does trust and finds comfort in, and that is another clan member called Shikaku. The head of the clan. Shikaku isn’t stupid and does notice that something is off with Shikamaru but can’t yet pinpoint what it is. The kid is clearly struggling and Shikaku begins to help him. They have fun and form a very strong bond.
Yoshino doesn’t like the fact that her son and Shikaku spend so much time together and tells Shikamaru to stay away from the man. Which he, of course, doesn’t. No, he tells Shikaku about it and is overly confused to why his mother would forbid him to meet Shikaku. So they decide to keep their meetings and companionship a bit secret for the time being...
After a while, Shikaku notices odd bruises on Shikamaru that keep appearing and notices the strange, unsettling glances Suzaku gives his son in secret when there is a bigger gathering. He also notices the changed behavior of Yoshino, the woman he once loved before she left him and married Suzaku. They share one glance and something hits Shikaku when her eyes meet his.
He finds a moment to approach her but she is visibly uncomfortable and worried that he is speaking to her. It doesn’t stop him, though. He has to know.
   “Yoshino, is he mine?   ...Is Shikamaru my son?”
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claudiosuenaga · 4 years ago
Takamatsuzuka: o kofun circular com um mapa astronômico na vila de Asuka em Nara
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Estive também pela segunda vez no monte funerário de Takamatsuzuka (que em japonês significa “Monte de enterro antigo de pinheiros altos”), um antigo túmulo (kofun) circular de duas camadas na vila de Asuka, dentro do Parque Histórico Nacional e Governamental de Asuka, na província de Nara, a capital do Japão durante o século 8.
Descoberta acidentalmente por um fazendeiro local na década de 1960 quando cavava um buraco para armazenar raízes de gengibre, a tumba de Takamatsuzuka foi construída em algum momento entre o final do século 7 e o início do século 8, dentro, portanto, do chamado período Asuka (de 538 a 710 d.C. ou 596 a 645 d.C.), que recebeu esse nome justamente da região de Asuka, a cerca de 25 quilômetros ao sul da atual cidade de Nara.
O período Asuka ficou marcado pelas suas significativas transformações sociais e políticas, pelo vicejamento das belas artes e da arquitetura, e por ter sido bastante influenciado pela chegada do budismo da China através da Península Coreana – os estudiosos sabem há muito tempo que o Japão antigo emprestou grande parte de sua filosofia, religião e tecnologia da China e da Coreia. Foi no período Asuka que o país mudou de nome de Wa (Yamato) para Nihon (Japão) e a filosofia de Confúcio se tornou predominante.
O kofun de Takamatsuzuka, com seus cerca de 5 metros de altura, uma camada inferior com 23 metros de diâmetro e uma superior com 18 metros de diâmetro, atualmente recoberto de grama, foi erigido com camadas alternadas de argila e areia.
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Escavado na década de 1970 por uma equipe liderada pelo arqueólogo natural de Asuka, Aboshi Yoshinori (1927-2006), professor associado da Universidade de Kansai e pesquisador do Instituto Arqueológico de Kashihara em Nara, finas pinturas ricamente coloridas foram desveladas nas paredes de gesso da câmera funerária em 1972 e logo viraram uma sensação. Designadas como Tesouros Nacionais, a fim de protegê-las a tumba foi selada e somente se pode ver réplicas no vizinho Museu Mural Takamatsuzuka, construído especialmente para exibir as reproduções dos afrescos em larga escala da cripta, juntamente com vários artigos funerários, como um caixão de madeira lacado (medindo 199,5 cm de comprimento por 58 cm de largura), pregos de metal, um ornamento de florais de bronze e um espelho chinês da dinastia Tang. Alguns ossos também foram encontrados, e as análises atestaram que pertenciam a um homem em idade madura.
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Não se sabe exatamente para quem o kofun Takamatsuzuka foi construído ou quem foi ali enterrado, já que foi saqueado, mas as decorações sugerem que teria sido para um membro da família real japonesa ou para um nobre de alto escalão, provavelmente para o príncipe Osakabe no Miko (data de nascimento desconhecido e falecido em 705), o nono filho do imperador Tenmu (631-686), o 40º Imperador do Japão (a partir de 672). Osakabe no Miko que ajudou a escrever o Código de Taihō em 681 d.C.), ao lado de Fujiwara no Fuhito. O Código foi essencialmente uma reorganização administrativa, que serviu como base para a estruturação governamental do Japão durante vários séculos. Especula-se ainda que pode ter sido na verdade o túmulo para o filho do último rei de Baekje, ou ainda para Isonokami Ason Maro (640-717), um importante oficial e parte do clã Mononobe.
Há quatro espíritos guardiões guardando as quatro direções pintados nas paredes da cripta, algo um tanto comum em túmulos desse período encontrados na China e na Coreia. Estes são Genbu, uma tartaruga-cobra preta no norte (Black Tortoise), Suzaku, um pássaro vermelho no sul (Vermilion Bird), Seiryu, um dragão azul no leste (Azure Dragon), e Byakko, um tigre branco no oeste (White Tiger).
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As referências astronômicas são nítidas. Vêem-se imagens do sol (na parede leste), da lua (na parede ocidental) e de constelações (no teto). A imagem do sol está coberta de folhas de ouro e a imagem da lua, de folhas de prata. O mapa astronômico no teto da câmara de pedra de Takamatsuzuka foi afixado com círculos uniformes cortados de uma folha grossa de ouro para representar as estrelas, conectadas com linhas vermelhas para incluir constelações.
Na China antiga, o céu estrelado, que se move regularmente com o pólo celeste como centro, era considerado uma nação centrada no imperador. No centro da hoshijuku (constelação), está desenhado o “Recinto Proibido Púrpura”, que era considerado o lugar onde o imperador vivia na China antiga. É um grupo de constelações que não desaparece, com a Estrela do Norte no meio, em representação a figura do imperador. À noite, se você olhar para o céu ao norte de Takamatsuzuka da Praça Hoshijuku, poderá ver as várias constelações girando em torno da Estrela do Norte, bem na direção do topo do kofun, assim como as pessoas do período Asuka a viam!
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Em cada caso, os desenhos foram feitos através de um processo de primeiro cobrir a superfície da pedra com gesso e, em seguida, desenhar os contornos preliminares com tinta fina, seguidos de uma coloração brilhante em azul, vermelho e verde, etc.
Desses murais emergem uma impressão vívida da cultura e da história japonesa daquele tempo: grupos de figuras humanas (quatro homens e, separadamente, quatro mulheres) da corte, ricamente vestidas com mantos coloridos no estilo Goguryeo (um dos Três Reinos da Coreia, juntamente com Paekche ou Baekje e Silla). As mulheres são vistas segurando leques, prendedores de cabelo e cetros, enquanto os homens seguram guarda-sóis de seda (kinugasa) de cabo longo, uma espada, uma lança, uma cadeira e um gitchō (item semelhante a um taco de hóquei). A mulher vestida de vermelho e carregando um cajado é chamada de “Asuka Bijiin“, ou “Beleza de Asuka”.
O povo de Asuka estabeleceu as fundações do Japão como um estado-nação, adotando as mais recentes influências culturais por meio de trocas com as nações do leste asiático. Os muitos túmulos, templos e estruturas de pedra restantes na área atestam a força dessas influências. O estilo Asuka incorporado pelos templos da cidade e pelas esculturas budistas, representa a base sobre a qual a cultura japonesa foi construída.
Um lugar de rica história e beleza natural, Asuka, centro político, econômico e cultural do país por cerca de um século, cercado pelos inúmeros palácios e templos budistas,é merecidamente conhecido como o lar espiritual do povo japonês.
Muito mais se poderia saber sobre os kofuns do Japão se a Agência Imperial do Japão, que controla rigorosamente a investigação dos mesmos, permitisse o acesso de mais arqueólogos e pesquisadores, sem os inconvenientes de praxe, alegadamente para preservar a santidade e a integridade dos locais. Pensemos no quanto ainda subjaz enterrado à espera de finalmente ser conhecido, aspectos de uma civilização tão avançada que nos deixa estupefatos.
Há um paralelismo transcontinental inegável entre o monte circular de Takamatsuzuka e as mamoas ou tumulus, o montículo artificial circular ou oval que cobre as câmaras dolmênicas europeias. Essas tanto podem ser de terra, revestida por uma couraça de pequenas pedras imbricadas, ou ser apenas constituída por pedras, sendo então designada usualmente por cairn, do escocês càrn (que se pronuncia ‘kern’). Na Escócia, os cairn encontram-se sobretudo sobre relevos de terreno e no alto das montanhas. E, como existe o costume de transportar uma pedra até ao alto da colina para a colocar sobre eles, estes vão ficando cada vez mais altos. Um ditado antigo escocês diz “Cuiridh mi clach air do chàrn”, ou seja “Colocarei uma pedra sobre o teu cairn”. É interessante que ainda hoje há uma tradição judia que recomenda que se ponham pequenas pedras em cima de um túmulo que se visite.
As mamoas (nome dado pelos romanos quando da sua chegada à Península Ibérica, que chamaram de mammulas a estes monumentos, pela sua semelhança com o seio de uma mulher), tinham a finalidade de esconder e proteger o dólmen ou a sepultura, recobrindo-o completamente e conferindo-lhe, ao mesmo tempo, maior monumentalidade. O dólmen, sob uma colina artificial (a mamoa), afigurava-se como um “útero” abrigado do olhar, onde se colocavam relíquias “no seio da terra”. Em termos de significação simbólica, essa deposição era como que um regresso de um humano ao útero do ventre materno da Terra Mãe.
As mamoas eram estruturas de tamanho variável, podendo atingir quarenta metros, e que tapavam completamente a câmara e o corredor, quando este existia. É possível que tivesse também, em certos casos, proporcionado um plano inclinado para o transporte da tampa da câmara até a sua posição definitiva.
A técnica de construção das mamoas demonstra geralmente uma hábil solução arquitetônica feita para durar, sem usar argamassa. Encontram-se pedras especialmente cortadas para melhor se inserirem no espaço que preenchem e interstícios preenchidos por pequenas pedras angulosas, partidas intencionalmente, para reforçar a estrutura.
Estas sepulturas megalíticas monumentais eram destinadas a abrigar antepassados importantes e não pessoas comuns, com cada grupo correspondendo aos antepassados míticos de uma determinada família ou linhagem.
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jjgrace42 · 3 years ago
Symphonies - Chapter 24
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A Fact of War
Kyoko was observing Tsunade stitching a chunin's kidney back together when the entire world shook and the yelling began. Tsunade looked up, swore, and refocused, this time quickly closing the wound instead of using it as a teachable moment. "Stay here," she ordered, pressing gauze over the newly sealed cut and keeping it in place with medical tape. "Don't leave the tent."
"Stay here." Tsunade ducked out of the tent.
Kyoko moved forward, reaching back to keep a hand on the hilt of her tanto. She drew the flap back just slightly and peered out. She activated her sharingan. One tomoe, one tomoe, one tomoe she reminded herself. The world sharpened. Just a little.
Tsunade was across the camp, past the tents, and bent over someone on the ground. Along the border of the camp itself, her fellow Konoha nin were pushing back against an influx of Iwa nin with mixed levels of success. One of the smaller figures fell.
Kyoko was moving by the time the man over him raised his blade, already halfway through her hand signs. She slid out of her shunshin in front of Raidou with her hands in the rat seal, looking the man right in the eye as she layered the illusion across his reality. His eyes widened, and he reeled back from a fireball that wasn't there. She took that for the opportunity she'd made it and sliced him open with her tanto.
"Move," she ordered, looking back at Raidou. "Move!"
He nodded and, clutching his bent arm to his chest with his other hand, scrambled up.
It was the roar of a katon jutsu that warned her. Kyoko whipped back around and rolled to the side to avoid the blaze. She grit her teeth as she overestimated her size and hit the ground hard, her left hand nicking against the blade of her tanto. As she came up, she focused on her one-handed signs. It was hard with the smaller chakra pathways, the shallower energy reserves, the inexperienced hands, but not impossible.
Her afterimage cast, she rushed forward. The katon-user spat a fireball at where she'd been a half-second before, and Kyoko cut through the arm she'd used to cast it. Kyoko stabbed her tanto into the woman's chest and left it there as she fell, taking advantage of her now free hands for a series of hand seals. She brought both hands to her mouth, breathed in deep, and then shot her own fireball at the Iwa nin just behind his fallen comrade.
Hands still hot from flame and chakra, Kyoko snatched her tanto up and sheathed it as she turned. "Move!" she yelled again, rushing for Raidou. The sounds of battle were dying down around them, but that was far from meaning they were safe. She stopped beside him and grabbed at his shoulders, pulling uselessly. She was too small to make any difference, and he wasn't moving enough to help himself. Kyoko grit her teeth and looked up.
An Iwa nin—large, larger than those around him—smashed his way through the ribs of the Konoha shinobi in front of him, the only person that had been between him and Kyoko and Raidou. She tightened her grip. "Come on! Stand up!"
Solid black arched up from the ground, snapping around the Iwa nin. Shadowy hands started gripping at his throat.
Kyoko jerked her gaze to the side. The Nara standing there didn't look at them, his jaw clenched and his hands clasped in a rat seal. "Got another of those fireballs in you, kid?"
Another? She's already spent a large portion of her chakra doing medical rounds around the camp with Tsunade, and—
Kyoko dropped her hold on Raidou and braced her feet. Another set of hand seals, and she forced out another fireball, hissing when her forearms protested the burn. Just as she lowered her hands, something caught her around the waist and lifted her from the ground. Kyoko yelped and scrambled, reaching for her tanto.
"Stop fighting me, kid," the Nara growled.
Kyoko heaved a sigh of relief, sagging in his hold. She twisted a bit to see that he had Raidou trapped facedown under his other arm. Raidou's eyes were screwed shut, blood dripping down his face and his limbs hanging loose.
"I have to help him," Kyoko mumbled. "Nara-san, I need to—"
He just grunted to interrupt her and carried them into the closest tent. He dropped her and, as she caught herself, lowered Raidou to the ground. Then he disappeared back outside into the battle.
Kyoko scrambled to Raidou's side. Head wounds always bled a lot, but not like this. She rolled him onto his back, bracing his side against her knee when he tried to shudder away from the movement. "Hold still."
His face was bloody, but it wasn't all skin anymore, and there was no mistaking that the smell of burnt flesh wasn't just from the Iwa nin she'd hit with her own jutsu. Not his face. Not his face, not again. He wasn't scarred here yet. He didn't have to be. She could fix it. That was what she was here for, after all. She could fix it.
"Hold still," she ordered again, but this time her voice wobbled as she said it. She moved her hands—her left one still bleeding—to his face, ignoring the part of her that called for proper procedure. Wash your hands, disinfect the area, wear gloves, put on a—
She didn't have time for that. Kyoko prodded, ignoring his whines of pain, until she found the edge of the burn just above his lip. She drew up iryo chakra and began mending the area. Slowly. Steadily. Her hands started to shake, and she knew that between her smaller reserves, her earlier iryo work, and her ninjutsu, she was starting to run low on energy and what she could do. But one thing she couldn't do was stop. Raidou was burned, and if she didn't fix this then how could she fix anything else?
She didn't realize she was falling until an arm came around her. "Alright, that's enough, Tiny. You've done enough."
— — — — —
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akimmito · 5 years ago
Heroes are made by the path they choose
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Chapter 18
Marinette was waiting for the moment when the Gotham vigilantes would show up, they ended up making the decision after she and Felix had a little chat with Silent Hill, she even spoke to John to ask what he knew about the two of them (of course, they had already met Robin, but their meeting was under other circumstances). John was very clear about his opinions, so she was able to have a better point of view when deciding.
They, sadly, would be the first to be recruited knowing the entire team. Unlike other members, they were recruited by two or three incumbents of the miraculous. The Aurore case, which was recommended by Chloe, Marc and Nathaniel; Silent Hill was recruited by her, Felix, and Max; Not in Hell was brought into the organization by Marc and Nathaniel (with approval from Alix and Luka). The others were led by other circumstances, such as John (who was led by her alone), Adrien (who only retired from the team due to circumstances that were out of his control), Jean (Chloe's butler ended up involved after it was done difficult to explain strange behaviors, becoming a great ally), Kim (he was initially recruited to be part of the team, but ended up only an affiliate) and Gina (how could she not realize that her granddaughter was the one who made contact with her? Maybe he couldn't discover her as Ladybug by magic, but there was nothing of the kind involved here anymore. It was easy).
So yes, Nightwing and Robin will be their first victims. The only one who completely opposed the idea was Damian, but she couldn't get any information out of him. Until minutes before meeting them.
"My father is Batman."
Marinette stayed still in those moments, but her son kept moving forward. She saw him draw one of his swords, but she was still processing his words. However, she slides it down and makes sure she doesn't forget to talk to him later. She can't go crazy in those moments.
Damian doesn't know who possessed him to say it in those moments, his mother had been asking the night before when they were alone, but he refused to say a word. And minutes, seconds, before meeting his brothers, it was not the right time. Well, the damage is done.
"You're not welcome." He's not feeling satisfaction in threatening his brothers, not at all, it's simply to maintain an image and let them know that they will not accept his games. It's just that.
Afterward, he just kept watching, watching the interaction, focusing his attention on Nightwing, who keeps his gaze fixed on his mother. He frowns, it doesn't matter if it's inside or outside the mask, Richard Grayson keeps looking at his mother; doesn't like. But his mother wouldn't notice him, would she?
No she wouldn't. She doesn't even give him a glance, she's more focused on Robin, so no, and his mother wouldn't notice Grayson. Even so, he must mark territory, he doesn't want one of his brothers as a father, although them is better than his father. No, he cannot submit to such thoughts, the man who marries his mother must be worthy of it.
When they go through the portal, the little glamor placed on him fades and he heads to the common room, where the others must be.
Marinette watches him leave, curious about her son's visible bad mood.
"Make yourself comfortable." She smiles kindly, in stark contrast to the intimidating image she was giving earlier.
"Suzaku…" She directs her gaze towards Robin, she finds it amusing that the youngest is the one who takes the reins because the responsible adult seems too lost watching her. Oh yeah, she realized, it's not subtle at all.
"You mentioned that they already knew about us, how did they find out?"
"We have a contact." She doesn't remove her smile and proceeds to settle in front of Nightwing, her place would normally be at the head of the table, but she finds the attention he's giving her endearing. Oh well, what will their expression be when they see who is under the mask? It's not that she knows who they are, but she could guess, however, she will not be wandering in those directions.
“So you have a network of contacts?” Robin seems very excited by the information and seems to want to know more, much more. His curiosity is well received, especially since there is no malice, at least she cannot perceive it. "How do you open those portals? Is it related to heroes?"
"Quiet. All those questions will be clear at the meeting… so Nightwing, you didn't say anything, did a bird tear your tongue out?" This time, her smile changes to a cheekier one. John taught her to smile like that, it's a fun flirting game they have.
"I'm giving myself time to process everything, you really caught us off guard. We wanted to talk to one or two of you, I wasn't expecting us to have a meeting scheduled. ”He smiles humorously, he doesn't lie, sure, but it's not the whole reason.
"Oh, understandable. Although I could swear that the cause of your distraction was me. "Marinette is having fun, the years when she could barely talk to someone she liked, even a little, are long gone and buried, now it's much easier.
He doesn't respond to what was said because they see the others enter, being surprised to see several of them without a mask. Tim quickly recognizes Chloe Bourgeois, how not to do it, she is a MP and they have seen her several times in the news, she has very good press on her part. They also see Felix Graham of Vanily, Dick remembers him from that red carpet that Stephanie insisted on seeing months ago, in addition to the photos that Tim showed her from the newspapers of when Gabriel Agreste was arrested. The others, they don't recognize at all, although there are a couple of faces that they are sure they should recognize.
"Nice to meet you" Luka takes the initiative to say hello, sitting next to Marinette and taking his partner by the hand to take a seat next to him, Damian immediately claims the seat on the other side of his mother, refusing to take off his mask, even though everyone has put it aside.
"The pleasure is ours." Dick is the one who responds, more alert for the presence of everyone else.
"Do you have any specific questions or do you prefer to wait for us to finish explaining?" Felix asks, settling in next to Damian, the center of the table will always be where Marinette is sitting, so he will always be close to her. The Great Guardian is the main focus in any gathering, even if others don't know her importance.
"Just one." Tim responds, driven by his curiosity because he suddenly has these people who take care of his identity coming to use magic for that purpose, showing his face to them too easily. "Why are you showing us your identities?"
"We'll get to that, Robin. We'll start by introducing ourselves. ”Marinette smiles more kindly, taking a more professional approach now that everyone is settled in and the meeting has begun. Only Max is missing, but they know that he is busier with something more important. "It's hard not to recognize myself, people pay more attention to me than I'm comfortable receiving. Everyone knows me as Marie Lenoir, but my friends know my name is Marinette. ”She takes off her mask and Dick chokes on his own breath. Tim is very surprised, but doesn't show it. "He's my son, Damian.”The boy just frowns in his direction and thinks long and hard before lowering his mask.
Dick doesn't know how to feel about the Damian thing, he's a boy, a boy who surely has a lot of training or she wouldn't let him run around, right? In addition, he carries two swords with him, these being his main weapons, from what he could see of his suit, in addition to some other tools that he surely keeps in the thick belt that looks like cloth, the boy is covered in green, black and gray tones; He has even pulled his hood down revealing his tousled dark hair, very different from when he was seen at country house.
"Felix Graham of Vanily, although if you did a little research on the situation from seven years ago, you know who I am."
"Chloe Bourgeois, impossible not to know about me. I go out unnecessarily on television..."
"And I thought you loved the attention, Chloe." Nathaniel scoffs and she in response shakes her head the other way, hitting him lightly with her hair, drawing a little laugh from Alix at their childish fights that never change. "Nathaniel Kurtzberg, I'm not well known.”He shrugs, but smiles at the two guards. "And he's Marc Anciel.”
Marc just greets them with a little shyness, althoug he keeps moving forward and has made great progress by himself, plus he got his own confidence gain in his work and that's something about it that he will always be safe, no matter how uncomfortable he's in social situations.
"Alix Kudbel." She's simple with her presentation, doesn't see the need to focus too much on assuming something they might or might not know about them.
"Kagami Tsurugi, he's my boyfriend, Luka Couffaine." Simple and clear, Kagami wants to move fast to make the rules of the game clear. Having more allies was always a plan that was discussed when the MT started, but it's still a matter that puts everyone on edge. "Ideally, you should show your identities, the information that we will share with you is not something that is said to any random stranger. Mari-hime doesn't trust just anyone and her instincts are rarely wrong, but we need a guarantee."
Can the people they choose be trusted?
It's a Nara: We already made contact with Nightwing and Robin
Silent Hill: Oh perfect
Kiss my ass: So everything ready for the reunion on the weekend?
It’s aNara: Yes, hopefully, they will join too
Not in Hell: It will be entertaining
Kiss my ass: Of course it will! It will be so chaotic
It’s a Nara: I hope not, we will deal with serious matters
Oscar de la Rosa: I already booked the tickets for my trip to London
Divine gift: Everything perfectly calculated, excellent, Jean
Oscar de la Rosa: We must ensure that nothing gets out of control
Silent Hill: You guys are very efficient, they remind me of Alfred
Divine gift: No one can beat Alfred
Oscar de la Rosa: But it is an honor that you mention it
It’s a Nara: Who is Alfred?
Divine gift: A butler
Oscar de la Rosa: A Butler
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ace-shikamaru-quotes · 4 years ago
I have no idea why but in my head I thought “there are no cryptics it’s all Nara clan members.”
you’re right though
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